Ball valves ALSO universal series welding with telescopic rod (for insulation)
Краны шаровые приварные с удлиненным телескопическим штоком
DN 32-200 PN 25-40
Connection type: welding/welding Значок
Bore: full Значок
Body steel: carbon, low-alloy, corrosion-resistant
Краны шаровые приварные с удлиненным телескопическим штоком
DN PN Сatalogue designation d d* S L Hmin-Hmax
32 40 КШ.П.П.Т.032.40-01 H=... 30 42,3 3,2 60 1500 500-700; 600-900; 700-1100; 800-1300; 900-1500; 1000-1700
40 40 КШ.П.П.Т.040.40-01 H=... 40 48 3,5 76 1500
50 40 КШ.П.П.Т.050.40-01 H=... 48 57 3,5 89 1500
65 25 КШ.П.П.Т.065.25-01 H=... 63 76 4 114 1500 500-600; 600-800; 700-1000; 800-1200; 900-1400; 1000-1600
80 25 КШ.П.П.Т.080.25-01 H=... 75 89 4 133 1500
100 25 КШ.П.П.Т.100.25-01 H=... 100 108 5 180 1500 500-600; 600-800; 700-1000; 800-1200; 900-1400; 1000-1600
125 25 КШ.П.П.Т.125.25-01 H=... 125 133 5 219 1500
150* 25 КШ.П.П.Т.150.25-01 H=... 148 159 6 273 1500 600-700; 700-900; 800-1100; 900-1300; 1000-1500; 1100-1700
200* 25 КШ.П.П.Т.200.25-01 H=... 200 219 8 351 1500 600-700; 700-900; 800-1100; 900-1300; 1000-1500; 1100-1700

* Gearbox installation is recommended

Hmin - minimal height of a telescopic rod in folded state from the axis of a ball valve to the top of the rod

Hmax - maximal height of a telescopic rod in unfolded state from the axis of a ball valve to the top of the rod

Technical specifications are indicated for products made of carbon steel with construction length in accordance with the Russian National Standard (GOST). For technical specifications with other parameter combinations, please contact us.
The company reserves the right to make design changes without prior notice.
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