Ball valves ALSO GAS series interflange
межфланцевый полнопроходной
DN 50-100 PN 25-40
Connection type: interflange Значок
Bore: full Значок
Body steel: carbon, low-alloy, corrosion-resistant
межфланцевый полнопроходной
DN PN Сatalogue designation d d* D H I L Weight, kg
50 40 КШ.МФ.П.GAS.050.40-01 48 50 102 121 220 88 3,2
65 25 КШ.МФ.П.GAS.065.25-01 63 66 122 154 295 114 5,1
80 25 КШ.МФ.П.GAS.080.25-01 75 80 133 162 295 130 6,5
100 25 КШ.МФ.П.GAS.100.25-01 100 100 168 185 514 172 12,1

Technical specifications are indicated for products made of carbon steel with construction length in accordance with the Russian National Standard (GOST). For technical specifications with other parameter combinations, please contact us.
The company reserves the right to make design changes without prior notice.
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